On 23rd of July the world day of grandparents and elderly was celebrated in Jabalpur. Our Residents Feast was celebrated on this beautiful day. On this auspicious day we honor our Residents for their presence in our home. We offered Holy Mass for all their intentions. Holy Eucharist was celebrated by Archbishop of Jabalpur Gerald Almeida who was accepted to come to celebrate solemn Mass at 7 am in spite of his busy schedule. After the Holy Mass we proceeded to the dining hall to wish our Residents with Bishop and distributed gifts such as toiletry items, body cream, saris and nighties for the ladies. Residents were indeed very happy for the lovely gifts they received. Then we served them a delicious breakfast which was enjoyed by everyone especially the 6 elderly who were invited from our parish for the celebration.
After that we had a surprise visit from our Parish at 10.30 am. Rev. Fr. John Walter our Parish Priest brought all the parishioner to the home after their Holy Mass. It was indeed good to see many people talking to our Residents and filling our home with their presence. They wished the grandparents with their melodious song. After which they served Samosas, sweets and coffee. Then we had another group of people who came with Bank manager Mr. Shyam Babu. He belongs to our parish. He arranged with his friends to give pant and shirt for gents and blouses for the ladies. He brought the tailor to the home, took everyone’s measurement. On this grandparent’s day he came with his friends and our parish Priest. He told all his friends to bring something for the Home. He wants to help us by introducing us to many people so that they can help us in future. May God bless these good people.
At 4. 30 p.m here comes another group of young people from Ranji. The Parish Priest Rev. Father Alexander from St. Thomas Church wished to make this event very meaningful by involving the parish youth group to donate fifty pillows to our Residents in honor of the elder’s day which our Holy Father promulgated.
Rev. Fr. Alexander and Fr. Pramanandan had come with the youth to spend this evening with our Residents. They conducted games and encouraged the youth dance with the elderlh. Then they served snacks for them. Fr. Alexander profited to say a few words of thanks for all the services we are doing for the elderly and he also told the elderly, "You are all loved by the Lord so much. That is why you are here in this home. So, always be happy and cheerful. " They asked the grandparents to cut the cake and wished them. And then everyone dispersed.
At 6 p.m another surprise for the Residents. Four members from the light of human welfare Society came to wish the elderly with apples. The providence of God will never fail us. We thank God for the gift our Residents and their presence in our home. May God bless all our Residents with good health of mind and body.