Little Sisters of the Poor in India
At the service of the elderly Poor

Our Community life is modelled after the example of the Holy Family according to the desire of Saint Jeanne Jugan. “See how Jesus, Mary and Joseph loved one another, all three how happy they looked, with what kindness and gentleness they spoke to each other. In our little family it must be the same.” (Jeanne Jugan)
Community life is an essential part of our religious life. Each one of us is called by Christ for a same mission and we work together to fulfil our aspect of hospitality. We pray together, we take meals together, work together and live together in a community, united in the love of Christ who has gathered us together in a community as a family.
“A community of Little Sisters, living in complementarity and unity, gives unassuming witness of the unselfish and joyous charity of Christ’s disciples.”
From our community life flows great apostolic energy and it is a strong bond for the community by which all the Little Sisters come to share the same sentiments, in humility, peace and love for God.
Each day we cross cultural and generational boundaries to form one family in the Lord. Jesus Christ — present in the Eucharist and served in the person of the elderly poor — is the center and source of our unity.