Little Sisters of the Poor in India
At the service of the elderly Poor

Ranjitha Jeurkar shares Nonviolent Communication with Little Sisters of the Poor in India!
Ranjitha Jeurkar
Ranjitha is a Certified Trainer with the Center for Nonviolent Communication. She lives in Bangalore, India, where she shares NVC with individuals and organizations. Ranjitha began her career as a communications professional, and for the last six years worked in the non-profit sector, in the space of mental health awareness. She brings her skills from both of these spaces to the work she does now. Ranjitha shared NVC (Nonviolent Communication) with Little Sisters of the Poor in India in 5 groups. It was a two days program filled with activities, helped the Little Sisters to explore the NVC. They certainly benefited of the course and will put into practice in their daily lives with the elderly people whom they take care so also with all those whom they come in contact daily.