The multipurpose of the Home of the Little Sisters of the Poor turned into a Five Star Hotel!
In Mysore, at the Little Sisters of the Poor, the month of July 2021 was oriented towards making the "elderly happy," in view of the first grandparent’s day on the 25th of July. On that day our Residents were privileged to have our Bishop K.A. William to celebrate the Holy Eucharist along with our Resident Priest and Chaplain. After Mass the community went to the different dining rooms during the breakfast wishing the elderly and offered them gifts – snack packages of their favorite items! Being special guests of honour of the day and to make them feel very much important, their Feast day lunch was served to them in our Multipurpose Hall which was turned into a “Five Star Hotel” thanks to the generosity of our friend and caterer, Mr. C. J. Sandosh who very generously and gratuitously brought and set up special tables, dressing them as a “Banquet Table”!. Our kitchen staff prepared the delicious feast day meal and the community Sisters along with our employees dressed as Chefs served it to our dear Residents. They really kept thanking for being honored and loved so much! The celebration continued the following day with a “Lucky Dip” along with Snacks and tea! The animation was filled with music, dancing and a lot of joy!