103 years old Mrs. Violet Jackson offers a bouquet of flowers to Father Kanikya Swamy, the newly ordained priest of our Archdiocese!
The newly ordained priest, Fr Kanikya Swamy offered his first Mass in English at 6.45 am. He was an associate Jeanne Jugan for a year and a half in our Home, serving the elderly Residents in Men’s Infirmary every evening. The Little Sister in charge of unit, Sr Loretta Angeline Mary was instrumental for kanikya Swamy to hear and answer God’s call to priesthood. He is ever grateful to the Little Sisters who helped him, especially Sr Helene de Ste Chantal, Sr Loretta Angeline Mary and Sr Alphonsine du Precieux Sang. He always says that it is in this Home that he found his vocation to priesthood. He was ordained in St Francis Xavier's Cathedral on the 2nd May 2024.
After Mass he was felicitated in the Residents’ dining room with flowers, ponnadai and an address by Mrs. Glenda. The infirm ladies did an action dance all being seated in their wheelchairs. Father was very happy and expressed his gratitude for all that he received from this Home. We pray for him that God may grant him all the graces he needs to persevere in his vocation till the end of his life.