Little Sisters of the Poor in India
At the service of the elderly Poor

DEMITA JEMIMA shares her experience with the elderly residents & the Little Sisters during her internship at the Little Sisters of the Poor in Bangalore.
When I came here for an Internship, I did not have any expectations as I did not know what an Internship was. But, on the first day I knew this is the right place for me. The atmosphere here is filled with so much of love and care, and above all God’s presence was abundant here. So inspiring to see all the sisters working together for a greater cause, with so much of dedication and perseverance.
I learned so many good values that I didn’t learn in my college or my home. I loved being here and would come back any time I can.
It is so amusing to see all the residents behaving like children and their innocence they carry. I began wondering how we would be when we grow old. Loved each and every resident and to hear their histories, love stories, bitter incidents.. etc..  was like a journey into their lives.
Most important part of  my internship is Sr. Josephine Pauline, the amount of patience and love I see in her is what I aspire to have one day and will continue to work towards it.
Thank each and everyone who made this journey in Little Sisters of the Poor memorable and inspiring. Special thanks to Sr. Josephine, Uncle Noel, Radha Akka, Wanda Akka and Premila Aunty.
Thank you all for making this learning phase interesting, loving and much more !