Little Sisters of the Poor in India
At the service of the elderly Poor
Established on December 13, 1986

The Story of Erode Home
In a letter dated August 27th 1980, the late Bishop M. Ambrose of Coimbatore requested our Mother Provincial Veronique de St Joseph to begin a Home for the Aged in His Diocese. He suggested Erode as a possible location for this home where the Diocese had bought seven acres of land on the main Road between Coimbatore and Erode. Erode is half way between Coimbatore and Salem and witha Home for the Aged there, the Collecting Little Sisters would have easy access to some neighbouring big towns like Salem, Karur, Gobi, Trichy and Dindigul. Bishop Ambrose knew our Congregation when he was the Bishop of Tuticorin and it was at his initiative that the foundation of Tuticorin was accepted.
Although it was already in 1980 that the Bishop took Mother Provincial to visit the site reserved for the construction of a new Home, it was not until after repeated requests from him that the Foundation was actually started. This was due to the fact that two new foundations – in Guntur and Mangalore were underway in the Province.
In January 1986, Mother General Marie Antoinette de la Trinite visited the Province of India and while she was at Bangalore St. Joseph she made a telephone call to the Bishop of Coimbatore regarding the proposed foundation in Erode. In July of the same year the Bishop was delighted to receive news from Mother General giving him great hopes that the foundation could be taken up.
The big day arrived on 13th December 1986 when the four Little Sisters chosen for this Foundation gathered at Bangalore St. Joseph. Two days later on the 15th of December our Four Little Sisters arrived in Erode with the Councillor Provincial at 2 p.m. at St Mary’s Church compound, Erode. They were received warmly by the Parish Priest and the Presentation Sisters who are in the same compound and it was there that the Foundation Home began while awaiting the construction of the new Home in Thindal about 7 kilometers from Erode.
On the 16th Mother Provincial with two other Little Sisters arrived to help with the preparations. Finally on the 17th of December at 5:45 p.m. Bishop Ambrose came and before starting the Eucharistic Celebration he went straight to the little house behind the Parish Church to see that everything was in order and that the Sisters had all that they needed. After Mass thebishop blessed each room and announced that the Home will be under the patronage of our LADY , QUEEN OF PEACE.
The Laying of the foundation stone for new building took place on 6th June 1989. The final opening of the Home took place on 6th September 1995. Our Patron St Joseph sent us a very good friend and benefactor to help us in this construction – it was Mr.Milesamy who made all the arrangements for this beautiful day.