Flower Show at Ooty!
On 27th of May 2022 the Little Sisters of Coonoor had taken valid Residents to Botanical garden, Ooty for the flower show. Often touted as ‘Showshoper of the south’ more than thirty varieties of flowers and breath taking flower sculptures that show excellent craftsmanship have been arranged at the venue to excite the visitors. Varieties of flowers were arranged to attract the tourists. Thanks to our Social welfare officer Mrs. Pravina Devi we were able to take our Residents in the minibus right inside the garden without the entrance fee. They enjoyed seeing the nature and the flower show which helped them to relax after two years of lockdown due to Pandemic.
The Invalid Residents at Kattery Park!
On June 1st, the Little Sisters took Semi valid Residents to Kattery park which is about 15 meters drive from our Home. All of them enjoyed seeing the beautiful sceneries. We thank God for his marvellous creation.