It was decided that we would have the birthday party of our Residents outdoor, in our front garden for the month November. God favored us with a wonderful and pleasant weather. It was Doctor Savita and her friends sponsored the Birthday party. All the elderly Residents were assembled in the garden and the birthday Residents were at the center. The singer Gagan joined the team to give a wonderful performance of singing. He has a beautiful voice with which he rejoiced our aged people. Doctor Savita too sang with her melodious voice and made everyone happy. The Birthday Residents were felicitated and received gifts whereas snacks were served to all those present. Some of our Residents too came forward to sing and showed their talents. At the end of the program the folding tables were brought so that the Residents could enjoy their dinner outdoor. Home made lovely puris and Bhaji were served to them with a hot cup of milk. Some of them made a remark, " This is the best birthday party we ever had." We are grateful to the team of Doctor Savita who took such an interest and initiative to organize this event. God bless her and her team!

Birthday Party Celebration!

Delicious Outdoor Dinner